Cookies policy

A cookie refers to a file that is sent for the purpose of requesting permission to be stored on your computer, by accepting said file it is created and the cookie then serves to have information regarding web traffic, and also facilitates future visits to a recurring website. Another function that cookies have is that with them the websites can recognize you individually and therefore provide you with the best personalized service on their website.

Our website uses cookies to be able to identify the pages that are visited and their frequency. This information is used only for statistical analysis and then the information is permanently deleted. You can delete cookies at any time from your computer. However, cookies help to provide a better service of the websites, since they do not give access to information from your computer or from you, unless you want it and provide it directly. You can accept or deny the use of cookies, however most browsers automatically accept cookies because it serves to have a better web service. You can also change your computer’s settings to decline cookies. If they are declined, you may not be able to use some of our services.

You can allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your computer by configuring the browser options installed on your computer.

For more information about Google Chrome, click here.

For more information about Mozilla Firefox click here.

For more information about Internet Explorer click here.

For more information about Safari click here.



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